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Learn to paint a beautiful sunflower in watercolour – techniques we will cover will be using salt to create texture, painting wet in wet, wet on dry, and negative painting. (There won’t be time to use clingfilm on this painting due to the drying time involved, but I can show you how to use this and you can experiment on a spare piece of paper, rather than on the actual painting.)
I paint mostly in watercolours and my paintings are inspired by nature. My favourite subject is flowers, but in recent years, I have been also painting landscapes, animals and birds. After taking some Botanical Flower Painting lessons, I started to try to develop a looser style and explore creating more abstract backgrounds, using clingfilm and salt to add texture and interest to my paintings. I have been doing demonstrations and workshops for local art groups for a number of years now.
At The Memorial Hall Art Studio, Hathaway Lane, Shottery, CV37 9BL
Refreshments will be provided but please bring your own lunch and mug.