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Lizzie Bentley's Still Life Course, Spring Term (13 weeks)

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Product Details

Lizzie Bentley’s Still Life Painting from Observation Class is 9am to 12 midday on Friday Mornings at Shottery Memorial Hall. The Spring Term dates are:

January 10, 17, 24, 31

February 7, 14, 28 (21st is half term)

March 7, 14, 21, 28

April 4, 11

In Lizzie’s Still Life Painting from Observation class, Lizzie encourages you to paint from life. As you enter her class, you will find 3 or 4 still life set-ups to paint from (lemons, pears, dried flowers, silk flowers, various objects). These still life set-ups will be repeated for 3 weeks to enable each artist a sustained period to finish their work.

Lizzie is an Oil Painter who, after leaving Oxford University with a degree in Fine Art, went on to study at Heatherley’s school of Art in London and also at the Princes Drawing School. At both schools she was able to continue to learn how to draw and paint from various Slade Trained Art Professors.

Lizzie also spent a year at The Kew Steam Museum in London, studying Painting Practice with Jason Bowyer (neac).

Lizzie is a professional artist and paints on the days she doesn’t teach.

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Lizzie Bentley's Still Life Course, Spring Term (13 weeks)
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